Doctors Without Borders Canada: Business Process Analysis


Doctors Without Borders Canada partners with several vendors to execute its Online, Direct Mail, Telemarketing, and Face-to-Face fundraising campaigns, including a data processing vendor who manages the CRM database of record on their own premiss.

The team accepts donations in various 3rd party vendor applications, websites and fundraising CRM platforms, and transfers the donor information to their CRM database of record via data connectors and multiple extract, transform and load (ETL) processes.

There were no direct connections between the fundraising applications and the database of record, and the team used multiple manual processes to manage the database records.

It had become increasingly difficult for the Direct Fundraising team to have a complete view of a single donor, and for the Donor Support team to manage constituents' data and support requests.

I was contracted to review and assess the team’s digital ecosystem, vendor relationships, and data management and operational processes to help develop a data governance strategy and transformation to a donor-centric methodology.

Process Analysis

Facilitated workshops with the Fundraising and Donor Support teams to understand their campaign processes, strategies and goals, and history.

Gathered and reviewed all system specifications documents, data files, integration details, and elicited the end-to-end campaign workflows.

Created detailed flow maps, business process models, and data / system integration maps for each channel.

Analyzed fundraising reports, data transfer error logs, and the applications' donation and constitiuent records to compile problem types, error details, and data inconsistencies.

Collaborated with stakeholders and vendors to audit and detail variances between the as-is processes versus the documented processes.

Improvements & Outcomes