Hyundai Canada: CRM Development, Data Migration & Integration

Hyundai Canada: CRM Development, Data Migration & Integration

It All Began When...

Deloitte Canada was engaged by Hyundai Canada to develop a CRM solution that provided a 360-degree view of their customers and prospects, and enabled enterprise wide marketing communications.

Hyundai Canada had several CRM applications and legacy databases that held various Customer, Retail, Dealer, Marketing, Consumer, Finance and Vehicle data, and no single database had a full view of a customer, prospect, or vehicle.

Hyundai's business groups had to merge various reports to create and manage marketing campaigns, and several Dealers created and managed their own contact databases which led to conflicted customer communications, and duplicate records.

I collaborated with the Development and Database Marketing teams to create and maintain all project documents, including status reports, issue / action logs, change requests, and weekly Hyundai communications and milestone reports.

CRM Development, Data Migration & Integration


  • Migrate 30 years of historical data, integrate ongoing data from multiple applications and websites, and use Deloitte's proprietary Agile Database Solution (ADS) CRM application to create a single customer or prospect ‘Golden Record’.

  • Create SAS KPI report templates for Hyundai's business groups, and create automated Marketing campaign Communications solutions for the Corporate groups and Dealers.

  • Challenge: There were hundreds of legacy data sources, the list of necessary data files were difficult to define due to overlapping data, and it took over 3 months to assess all the files to create the data integration rules and requirements.


Deloitte proposed a phased Iterative / DevOps approach, with Business Acceptance Testing (BAT) approval after each phase, starting with a ‘Proof of Concept’ phase to setup the environment (network, SQL Server and Database, and SAS software) and upload a sample of historical files to create golden records for Hyundai’s approval.

Each phase included integration and validation of data sources and functionality by Deloitte's Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) teams, data analysis by the Development and Marketing teams, and Hyundai’s data and usability review, feedback, and acceptance.

CRM Development, Data Integration and Migration


The application allowed Hyundai to establish a single-source digital marketing solution that drove brand consistency
across Corporate, Dealer Advertising Associations, and Dealership communications on a nationwide scale.

During a three-month pilot program, a major dealership group achieved an 87% rise in appointment requests, a 50% boost in web traffic, a 69% increase in website conversions, and a 14% jump in sales.

These results were realized utilizing the integrated program’s full range of channels,
including search, display advertising, social media, SEO and analytics.