Rogers Communications: E-commerce Software Development Life-Cycle

Rogers Communications: E-commerce Software Development Life-Cycle

Richard Blackman: E-commerce Software Development Life-Cycle

It All Began When...

Rogers Communications assembled a cross-functional team of Cable, Internet, and Wireless representatives to launch a single E-commerce website for all its divisions.

I was hired within the Wireless Direct Sales group to elicit, document, and implement the web features, applications, and operational processes for the end-to-end Wireless sales experience.

The team worked with Development, Web Design, Payment Processing and 3PL Fulfillment vendors, and Rogers' Network and IT teams to define and implement the website.

Requirements, Design & Implementation

Worked with stakeholders across the Wireless group to define the online product roadmap based on their technology and product and services' roadmaps and strategies.

Partnered with subject matter experts to create the business rules and requirements, functional specifications, sales funnels' user flows, and the Fulfillment, Customer Service, and fraud prevention operational processes.

Collaborated with my Cable and Internet counterparts and the Development DBA to define the database fields and user interface designs for a custom CRM application with Product Catalogue, Customer Service, and Reporting modules.

Created test requirements, plans and use cases, worked with vendors and Rogers ERP business owners to integrate their test environments with the website, and partnered with QA to coordinate the end-to-end test cycles.

Maintenance & Enhancements

After the site launched, I became the business point of contact for stakeholders' change requests, product launches and key strategic initiatives, and I developed the online requirements and managed or coordinated the end-to-end site builds.

Partnered with stakeholders and IT to implement the digital roadmap projects based on the Wireless division’s strategies, and the E-commerce team's capital projects.

Created business cases for sales and operations related capital projects, including an automated anti-fraud application.

Created documentation on new or updated site features and processes for vendors and the E-commerce, Customer Service and other affected teams, and presented changes to the teams as needed.

Highlights Include:

Partnered with the Pricing team to create requirements for a dynamic price plan recommendation application within the sales funnel to limit customer churn. Customers selected their monthly budget range plus anticipated calling and data usage and were displayed three recommended plans along with links to additional plans.

Partnered with IT and the Product and Marketing teams to create requirements for the TeamSite dynamic CMS product webpage templates that interfaced with the product catalogue to display product comparisons and program-based pricing within multiple sales funnels: new customer, hardware upgrade, B2B corporate accounts, and bundled promotional offers.

Collaborated with the Wireless Intranet team to integrate the website's product CMS templates into the Rogers Retailer Portal allowing store employees to sell and activate customers' products in-store in real-time.

Worked with IT to define and implement a pre-order sales funnel for new mobile devices, that also allowed Marketing Communications to advertise product launches before the product was available for sale at all retail partners’ stores.

Helped create data maps for all product catalogue integration projects, including integration with the Billing and Inventory systems via API’s for Self-Service funnels.

Collaborated with Finance and IT to implement a negative-file (SQL table) of fraudulent purchases from all Wireless channels to automate anti-fraud processes. Any online order whose payment details were in the negative file was automatically cancelled before the payment was processed.